How many faults are there in California?

Monday, April 20, 2009

The features of our cage(The features of California) and the Faults

Our cage has many interesting features. Our cage is California, where we live. My cage which lives in another cage which is in another cage which is in our cage. California has many features such as the mountains which are caused by the plate tectonics in California. Down below you can see a picture of one of California's mountains called Mt. Shasta. As you may already know now that California is part of a transform boundary, making it have something called faults. California has many faults, 18 to be exact, the biggest one of them call is called the San Andreas Fault. To learn more about the plate tectonics and features in California, check out these cool links below.

About the Faults in California:

A Big Giant, Floating Onion (The Layers of the Earth)

Did you know that the planet that you live on is almost like a big giant onion?  This is because they both have layers that make them what they are now.  The earth's layers have names, there is the crust, the upper mantle, the lower mantle, the upper core, and the inner core.  To learn more about the layers of the earth check out these cool links.

Layers of the Earth:

Earths Layers Game:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mountains Under Water (Mid Ocean Ridges)?

What? There are mountains under the water; in our oceans? Wow, that's amazing. These mountains are called Mid-Ocean Ridges. These big mountains are the biggest mountains in the world, even bigger than Mt. Everest and longer than the Andes. These mountains are made by volcanic activity and earths plates moving together. Also in the oceans if the plates spread apart instead of colliding, this is called Sea Floor Spreading. If you want to learn more about the Mid-Ocean Ridges you can look at these links below.

About Mid-Ocean Ridges:

About Sea Floor Spreading:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Aaah!!! Volcanoes are Everywhere (The Ring of Fire)!

Aaaah! I must hide from that really hot magma coming out of the volcanoes. Do you know how the volcanoes in the Ring of Fire explode? It is because of the plate tectonics that are colliding together making the volcanoes explode, pretty neat huh. To learn some more about the Ring of Fire you can check out these awesome links.

Learn about how the plates go with the Ring of Fire:

This is an awesome movie about the Ring of Fire:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bite Your Teeth, don't Bite Your Teeth (Convergent and Divergent Boundaries)!

I hope that you learned some new interesting facts about Pangaea. Did you know, when you bite and open your teeth it is like convergent and divergent boundaries. Convergent boundaries are where two different plates crash into each other. Convergent boundaries are like biting your teeth together when you are eating your lettuce snack. Divergent boundaries are when the two plates go away from each other just like your teeth coming up from a bite from your piece of lettuce. To learn more about the convergent and divergent boundaries, you can look at more links about them.

Some more about Convergent Boundaries:

Some more about Divergent Boundaries:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I can't believe its bigger than my cage(Pangaea)!

Wow, I still can't believe that it is bigger than my cage! Pangaea, was the happening place back in my moms time. Pangaea was created 230 million years ago! Due to the continental drifts of the earths plates, Pangaea split apart 100 million years ago into the separate continents that we have today. To learn about it, check out these awesome links below.

The Formation of Pangaea:

Pangaea and the Continents

This website has information and games of Pangaea:

What's Happenin'

Hi, my name is Fluffington the guinea and I will be talking about the earths plates. While I'm talking, you can check out all of the great links along the way to understand what I'm talking about a little bit better. First, I will be talking about the super-continent Pangaea.